Charles Haid

Lieu de naissance:
San Francisco, California, USA:

Sensitivity Training (2016)
Home on the Range (2004)
Lucky Jack (voice)
The Third Miracle (1999)
Bishop Cahill
Broken Trust (1995)
Judge Harold Ashley
For Their Own Good (1993)
Cooperstown (1993)
Little Eddie Mcvee
Storyville (1992)
Abe Choate
Freeze Frame (1992)
Dr Michael Scott
The Dreamer of Oz (1990)
Al Badham / Cowardly Lion
In the Line of Duty: A Cop for the Killing (1990)
Tommy Quinn
Fire and Rain (1990)
Nightbreed (1990)
Captain Eigerman
A Deadly Silence (1989)
Jim Pierson
The Revenge of Al Capone (1989)
Alex Conners
Man Against the Mob: The Chinatown Murders (1989)
Buddy Bunnucci
The Great Escape II: The Untold Story (1988)
Sgt. MacKenzie
The Rescue (1988)
Cmdr. Howard
Cop (1988)
Delbert W. 'Whitey' Haines
Weekend War (1988)
Sgt. Kupjack
Six Against the Rock (1987)
Sam Shockley
A Program for Vietnam Veterans...and Everyone Else Who Should Care (1986)
Self - Moderator
Code of Vengeance (1985)
Jim Blanton
Children in the Crossfire (1984)
Fred Chandler
The Adventures of the Get Along Gang (1984)
Montgomery Moose (voice)
The House of God (1984)
Barry Norman in Celebrity City (1982)
Working (1982)
Gas Man
Divorce Wars: A Love Story (1982)
Fred Bemous
Twirl (1981)
Matt Jordan
Altered States (1980)
Mason Parrish
Pray TV (1980)
Buck Sunday
Oliver's Story (1978)
Stephen Simpson
Who'll Stop the Rain (1978)
Eddie Peace
Deathmoon (1978)
Earl Wheelie
The Bastard (1978)
George Lumden
A Death in Canaan (1978)
Sgt. Case
The Choirboys (1977)
Nick Yanov
Alex & the Gypsy (1976)
Second Goon
Foster & Laurie (1975)
Sgt. Bray
Kate McShane (1975)
Ed McShane
Things in Their Season (1974)
Willie McCreevy
Remember When (1974)
The Execution of Private Slovik (1974)